Welcome To Change!!! A Neil Coutts Online Creation.

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“There’s Nothing wrong with a little bit of change.”

Change is my hub page to all my projects. My name is Neil Coutts and my goal is to share all the quality content. As the world we live in, faces such scrutiny, it leave us all alone wondering where we stand. Alot of people are looking for guidance, whether its through religion or self-help. There is a certain number of people that are willing to live in the now, whilst others live for the future and it’s only gonna get scarier as our offline world mixes with the online world, and technology is starting to rule our world.

The Neil Coutts Verdict is my blog to express my views, and share my opinions or review on news and articles.

For years the fabric of man has been tested, and though we do come through sometime like the Bali bombings where people flew to Bali to help. Sometimes as people, we have been deemed to have free speech, but obviously some people believe we don’t, some people go overboard, and sometimes we should just keep things to yourself, but what is your thoughts?

Please like my Facebook page below to keep up to date on blog, or if you have twitter then you can find my Follow button at the bottom of the page.

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Learn About Bitcoin is the first step for every curious person wanting to learn about hype of this new digital money called Bitcoin you may of heard in the media and may want to get a little piece of the action. I am here to share my experience but I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER, but just wanna share what I have learned over the last year, so you don’t the same mistakes I did and get caught out in the possible scams out the because it’s not all bad.

It doesn’t end there as there is much more to learn, as you will find help there is more to learn about this computer money and technology behind then meets the eye. As the digital age maybe coming upon us. My Blogs
Technology, The Internet and Computer Money is where I hope to share what I have learnt over the years being a tech geek as a kid. I want everybody to be on point as we are slowly being forced to adapt. Slowly the corporation are forcing us you to adapt to reduce cost and penalizing you with fees when manpower is used on your behalf. As we now computers, mobile phones, the internet, GPS, tablets. Computer money (with it’s tech can potentially disrupt the financial world if it succeeds) and the new small form of AI in home now! What’s next???

Be Your Own Boss is where I want share everything I have learnt on how to make money online as a hobby or as a full time job, there are many ways it unbelievable, but you have to be proactive and motivated to learn as the world of online marketing is always changing, with new mediums and tools changing and evolving but keeping up to date is the key, and by following a few pointers you can carve out your piece of the pie off the world wide web. The bottom line is there are many ways and you always read about about success of stories other’s, so why don’t you be your own success story or simply make a little extra pocket money.

Hacking The Universe is my eccentric blog on getting the most out of life and making your own luck. A lot of people would call BS on it. But each to their own, is all I have to say. But making your own luck is a lifestyle and a mindset. People around me say I am lucky but I say I make own luck and it stems further than that, as I look to religion to find my way, and with not one but many religions as i look to find how they connect in more than one way. I believe it would really surprise you and tell greater stories of how the universe works. The idea that we could do great things considering we are only human is mind boggling, but it simply takes great discipline and a little bit of faith.

Tekwizards Home Technology Experts is a hobby/ business of mine providing technological in home after sales support to the product that the manufacturatures can’t personally provide or simply make you go online to find your solution. We also help you create in home technology solutions, to help you adapt to the sudden growth of technology in today’s society.

Click Here To Learn More About Our Service’s and how we can be personal tech support Tekwizards.