About Me

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So your wondering who I am, and what Change!!! is about. Well Change is my first serious online creation on the Wild World Web, utilizing all the skills I have learnt over the years. Knowledge is good but useless unless act upon, now that I have had some successes and failures, but nothing ventured is nothing gained. I managed to buy a domain and sell it off for more and have some success on eBay. But its also some of my experience in real world is what has carved me into what I am today and for my need to share is the really why I have created Change!!!, as I hope we can all grow together in this new digital age, if we all work together.

It’s fitting to say the story sorta starts in primary school learning to use the Vintage Commodore 64 through observation and through trial and error, I learnt create my own games. Whilst a kid yearned and gravitated towards technology things didn’t really start to tick till I encountered my friends first 386 Compatible PC, which where self taught skills for working with PC computers began and it wasn’t till long after, did the advent of the internet had dawn upon us.

From there, is where I began to seek knowledge like anyone else for ultimate greatness and with so much information at my fingertips at a young age, I only got good at findiing whatever I wanted to find on the internet. But it wasnt till later in life did I look into the realm of self hep stuff like Tony Robbins and stumbling along the DVD “The Secret” did the questions I ask start to change.

Over the next few years not willing to give up being an entrepreneur, I started to look into the world of Internet Marketing and e-commerce.

Has the world really changed how we go about sorting goods and services. As time goes on and resources become, we will become more and more digital especially when the world is driven on cost. I have been successful in some minor ventures and maintain a eBay store. It isn’t til have been venturing into the world of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. Which brings me to where I am today. Change – A Neil Coutts Creation. Providing me the opportunity to bring together my interest and skill set to share my knowledge with world.

In my professional career, I have had the opportunity to experience many different work environments, from corporate level to retail. I have worked with large corporations and small business, but I have first handed learnt all my customer skills and understand the important of the customer relation. My hobbies consist of travelling, playing sport, Djing and messing around on the internet. Which is why I have decided to be productive with my time and focused my effort of this site and hope you enjoy various forms of content I plan to share.