My Affair With Lady Luck

June 19, 2018 0 By Neil Coutts
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A lot of say I am lucky, I say Lady Luck likes to find me when she wants, but I think she me, when I am calling. It’s a really interesting relationship I have with her. Because she is not always there when I want her. So  who is this lady lucky, I talk off, you may ask. Well she is isn’t a real person but a metaphor, for being able to wield the ability to ask the universe for what you want, and being able to receive them.

Now a lot of people would say it’s pure BS and would say they would make their own luck by working hard or it would simply bad luck just likes to find them. Now it’s hard living in a world where negativity thrive’s and everyone like to knock you down a peg if you dare to aspire. But the truth is you can do whatever you want, and achieve what ever you want but you really need to learn to use your mind as it is a power tool in your human artillery as everything else can be substituted the mind can’t, but what does the mind have to do with luck, may you ask. Well the brain is very powerful and Jesus once turned water into wine. A dedicated monk can levitate and the list goes on as people can also perform telekinesis (the ability to create fire). Se the is a whole philosophy behind the way of living and can take years of dedication, as it is more of a mindset through a way of living more than anything. Being able to master the mindset takes great discipline and dedication, but it’s always best to start with small thing.

My journey started over 10 years ago, when I was given a DVD of “The Secret”, it was a really strange DVD and opened my eyes a little, but again there were doubters but so it gave me some skepticism to it and wondering whether there some truth to it. I was already a positive person and open minded, so it was worth a shot at trying it out, and at the simplest form possible as explained in the DVD like a car park at your local shopping center. Obviously don’t try the busiest shopping center as it is quite easy to fill your head with doubt. So try something that would sometimes be a little challenging, and tell yourself you are going to find spot near the front. These car spots are the most popular for obvious reasons and not easy to get, but at least if all else fail your not gonna get mad because you probably know you will get one at the back as per usual. In saying all that, once you’ve mastered the skill of getting your ideal car spot, you can then raise your difficulty level.

Here it can get tricky because it can take a level of intuitive or gut feeling and trusting it as we can all doubt ourselves and when doubt takes place it can destroy your mindset and any progress you have made. So it’s important to focus, when calling on the universe, it’s like a sick person who pray’s to a saint, for good health. There have been some non-religious people who have returned to good health, without the need of pharmaceutical medicine, but remember I am not medical professional. But I have heard many stories and I am sure you could google some. So I should not have to explain any further as I am sure you get the idea.

The thing is when I continued to adventure into the world of self help, and endeavor in the search of being that perfect person, which I am still working on til this day, I started find a commonality in all the material I had consumed from various authors. I noticed they all spoke of the same mindset, but you would see that they would all speak of how they would interact with the universe differently, and in return, they would receive an abundance of joy. I too wanted to receive the same fruits for my labor, which also a part, labor of love, allowed me to be motivated to master the art of asking the universe.

As time went on I continue to engulf myself in material to better myself, the same message came across in all of the material and I only got better overtime. Which leads me today, where I have my moments through the year where thinks turn my way and the fruits of my labor are sometimes rewarded. I try not to be greedy, but its not easy. I do envision myself with my achievements but try not to fool myself as the rewards don’t come without hard work and honesty, but I try to look at the end game for now as it feels near and enjoy all the check points, where I receive my rewards.

One of the other things you need to know is your Aura. Your aura is important to how you interact with the universe and how easy or hard it is to ask the universe. I could on go forever but I could not do it justice, so I will save it for another day, but let’s just Your moral fabric will help you glow beautifully bright and if you can control your aura to glow bright when you want ,you could almost turn any situation in your favor with a little bit of luck and no doubt draw people to you if you want.

So asking for the simple things in life might not be as hard as you think, and always, you need to give to receive without expectation.

Are willing to maintain a positive mindset and trust your gut, to get what you want out of life and have things work in your favor, if so join the revolution.